High Definition Golf™ Introduces New Curved Screen Golf Simulators

New Systems to be Launched at 2012 PGA Merchandise Show

Ontario, Canada – January 19, 2012– Interactive Sports Technologies™ continues its legacy of innovation with the launch of a series of new High Definition Golf simulator models that feature curved “wrap-around” screens, a wider field of view and stunning high resolution graphics.

The new wide screen simulators create a totally immersive playing environment, which is so realistic, that it will be easy to forget that you are playing indoors. These simulators feature a larger curved screen, a 16:9 aspect ratio and a screen resolution of 1920 x 1200 pixels. Now, “the world’s most amazing golf simulator” just became even more amazing.

Whether for entertainment, golf instruction, club fitting or golf retail, High Definition Golf simulators can be configured to meet your specific needs.

A large compliment of options include a Professional Golf Instruction Studio, automated video swing analysis featuring Jim McLean’s 8-Step swing system, a complete suite of tools for club fitting and equipment comparison as well as live Internet play featuring real-time audio and video. 

These exciting new additions to the High Definition Golf line up include all the cutting edge technology that has made HDG™ the leader in the golf simulator industry. These include highly accurate ball & club tracking and measurement systems, realistic golf courses that look and play like the real thing, and intuitive easy-to-use touchscreen interfaces. This is why High Definition Golf™ is the definitive choice for PGA Tour pros, top golf instructors and golf equipment manufacturers.

Installation is quick and simple, with no sub-floor and minimal construction is required. And, your HD Golf simulator can be designed in either a “soft-wall” or “hard-wall” configuration for the most aesthetic appeal. Looking for a home theater? HDG™ Home Theater – brings movies and sporting events to life on the large high brightness/contrast screen by connecting your satellite or cable service, or by using the built-in DVD player. You can even connect a game console for the ultimate video gaming experience.

“High Definition Golf provides a turnkey solution for those looking to invest in a golf simulator. We will work with your architects, builders and designers every step of the way. We provide design, consulting and installation services, floor plans and CAD drawings as well as superior service and post installation aftercare,” says President & CEO Todd Richardson.

Be the first to tryout the next generation of High Definition Golf simulators at the 2012 PGA Merchandise Show, taking place in Orlando, Florida, January 26-28, Booth #2413.



Seit 2003 hat Interactive Sports Technologies Tausende von Simulatoren in mehr als 50 Ländern produziert und installiert und sich mit dem ‚erstaunlichsten Golfsimulator der Welt‘ einen internationalen Namen gemacht. Als Technologieführer und wachstumsstärkster Simulatorhersteller der Welt verkaufen wir unsere Produkte an Spitzenspieler der PGA-Tour, Luxushotels & Resorts, anspruchsvolle Hausbesitzer und hoch angesehene Vereine.


High Definition Multi-Sport™, der erstaunlichste Sportsimulator der Welt, setzt für sein Sportprogramm hochmoderne 3D-Modellierungsverfahren und -systeme ein. Mit seinem großen Anklang und häufigen Neuzugängen ist dieses System ein Muss für Sie und Ihre Gäste.


High Definition Golf™, der erstaunlichste Golfsimulator der Welt, war der Pionier der Computer-Vision-Technologie im Bereich der Golfsimulation. Mit spektakulärer wirklichkeitsgetreuer Optik erleben Sie die wahre Schönheit einiger weltbekannter Golfanlagen.



51 Citation Drive
Vaughan, ON, Canada L4K 2Y8
International Toll-Free: 800-HD-Global

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